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What is Process Mining?

Process mining is a group of approaches that uses software which looks at data from event logs to visualize what the people in a company do and having the software to describe those actions to the user in the form of processes.

These event logs contain three necessary pieces of information for process mining: a timestamp, a case ID, and an activity. From being able to follow the steps someone takes to complete a task, a process can be automatically constructed.

This visualization of the process is the graph. This graph can show every single activity and path all the cases flow through and can be simplified by usage of filters.

By continuing to gather this data over time, the user can start to see where bottlenecks occur or where inefficiencies lie within the process.

And by being able to see those bottlenecks and inefficiencies will allow the user to help modify the process to move it closer towards the ideal process ("happy path").

Being able to understand the processes of operations and performance will enable users to embed operational resilience in their business functions and architecture.

The Problem:

Our company has thousands of information systems across business functions such as finance, operations, sales, customer care, and more.

Many of these systems such as ERP, CRM, case management, human resources and other model operational processes, which are a sequence of tasks that humans and systems work in lockstep to complete a business activity.

All these interactions, both from humans and from systems constantly leave a trail of process events.

All these process events quickly pile up into a huge BIG DATA problem and extracting any process insight from this big data can be daunting. Inefficiencies and inaccuracies in processes often go unnoticed.

And this causes the company time and money.

The questions are, as a process owner,

"How do you know your processes are behaving the way they were designed?"

"How can you find improvement potential in your processes by revealing bottlenecks or unnecessary reworks?"

"How do you reduce compliance risks?"

The answer is: process mining.

With process mining, you can quickly parse through piles of process bread-crumbs to gain useful insight.

The Solution:

Introducing Neuro.

Neuro is the an internally built process mining platform that taps into and quickly shuffles through hundreds of thousands of process events to algorithmically discover and provide actionable insights for process improvements as well as flags any compliance risks.

How It Works:

Neuro works in three simple stages:
• Auto discovering your process-flow,
• Providing an easy way to gather process insight
• Take next best response to improve your processes

First, Neuro uncovers how your business process “actually” works not as designed. Then like a GPS, Neuro’s interface shows you all the routes of your process, identifies roadblocks, finds the fastest way and helps you uncover the full potential of your processes.

This simple and accessible process flow visualization helps you zoom in and out to gather process insights.

You can utilize several pre-built perspectives such as frequency, performance & resource perspectives to learn and watch out for improvement ideas.

You can also use advanced filtering capability to narrow down a portion of cases.

Through its visually appealing interface, Neuro helps process owners effortlessly zoom in and out of their process analytics to understand process highways, bottlenecks, performance, and compliance risks.



When process analysis meets data mining

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